the storied recipe 

Norwegian Christmas Truffles

From The Storied Recipe

These chocolate and mint balls are an easy no-bake recipe. With a hard chocolate outer shell and a smooth, soft, and creamy peppermint inside, they are a great treat for a holiday party or Christmas gift!

My podcast guest, Alexandra Taylor, reminisces about how she and her brothers would "eat some of the dough while we were rolling the balls in preparation for rolling them in chocolate and coconut... we took full advantage of all the goodness stuck  to our hands."

Basic Ingredients

– Heavy Whipping Cream – Flour – Cream of Tartar – Powdered Sugar  – Chocolate Optional Toppings – Shredded Coconut (Alexandria traditionally used this in Norway) – Crushed Candy Cane – Festive Sprinkles

Methods for Creating the Chocolate Shell

Spoon Method: use a spoon to drop the ball in chocolate, roll it around a bit, then take it out. Toothpick Method: use toothpicks to pop the chocolate in and roll it around a little bit.

Optional Variations

Candy Cane Truffles: crush a few candy canes and stir in Boozy Christmas Chocolate Truffles: add 1 tablespoon of rum or any other liqueur to mixture – Extracts other than peppermint

Norwegian Christmas Truffles

A unique podcast that effortlessly crosses the lines between the cooking, documentary, and culture genres.  Global guests share heritage and memories through their cherished recipes.