Prep Time 20 minutes mins
Cook Time 1 hour hr 30 minutes mins
Total Time 1 hour hr 50 minutes mins
u003cliu003eParboiled Rice generally takes less time to cook and is firmer than regular white rice when cooked. When using regular white rice, you can simply rinse the rice with warm water until the water runs relatively clear before making the Jollof.u003c/liu003eu003cliu003eYou can adjust the recipe as needed for specific serving size. The sauce/stew gives Jollof rice its unique flavour and color. It is important to taste test it during the cooking process to ensure there is enough salt. Adding salt after the fact will not improve the taste.u003c/liu003eu003cliu003eu003cemu003eMake sure to listen to Ify on The Storied Recipe Podcast, u003cstrongu003eu003ca href=u0022 data-type=u0022postu0022 data-id=u00221721u0022u003eJollof Rice with Ify Ogbueu003c/au003eu003c/strongu003e while you make her Jollof Rice recipe!u003c/emu003eu003c/liu003e