Polish Pasztet Recipe: Pork, Beef, and Chicken Liver Pâté
Pasztet is a highly versatile and adaptable Polish Pâté. Hits all the notes: smoky, rich, flavorful. Serve with crusty bread and top with horseradish, pickles, or cranberry jam.
4Jamaica Pepper - Allspice berries (in Polish “ziele angielskie”)
7-10 cups cold Water
Add Later
1White breadroll (or 1/4 - 1/3 loaf of bread; stale is fine)
1teaspoonground Black pepper
more seasoning, to taste
Breadcrumbs, to line the pans
Shelled pistachio nuts
Serve With** (See notes for more options)
Crusty bread
Horseradish sauce
Prepare the Stock
Chop the bacon, beef, chicken and pork into chunks.
Put them with the vegetables, Jamaica Peppers (Allspice berries), Salt and bay leaves in a large pot.
Cook on low heat for 1.5 hours (or more).
Let stock cool completely.
Prepare the Pasztet
In a separate dish, soak the bread roll in the stock.
Put the chicken liver in hot water for 3mn.
Remove the Jamaica Pepper and Bay leaves from the pot.
Use a small-eyed mincer, meat grinder attachment to a KitchenAid or chopping blade on a food processor to mince the meats. If using a mincer, mince everything three times.
Taste now (before you add the eggs) and season as desired.
Mix in the eggs, nutmeg, pepper, and optional ingredients. (Feel free to process these as well.)
If necessary, add stock to desired consistency. Most pastztets are meant to be sliceable, but if you may choose to make a more spreadable pâté, you may need more stock.
Grease long, narrow tins and cover it in breadcrumbs, to keep the Pasztet from sticking.
You may also line the loaf tin with parchment paper to keep from sticking.
Bake in a pre-heated oven (190’C) for around 1.5h.
Let it cool before cutting.
Enjoy with some horseradish, on a slice of crusty bread.
Pasztet can be frozen. However, it's best to freeze the Pasztet mixture before baking in a freezer-proof jar or Ziplock bag.
Other popular serving accompaniments: pickles, pickled mushrooms, cranberry sauce or lingonberry jam, raw onions, tomatoes, fresh chives.