I know you fell in love with compassionate, confident, and humble Murielle AND the stories she shared in the episode I released Wednesday, “From Sunny Africa to Snowy Canada”.
There was one portion of our conversation that I believed was too interesting and important to edit down into that episode, so I’m releasing it right here, right now as a bonus episode.
Murielle shares the reasons she chose veganism, how this choice has affected her and her family, and candidly discusses the struggles and benefits of that choice. As a carnivore, I found plenty to challenge me, to research further, and even to which I could relate.
- Why she chose veganism
- Her family’s different responses to her choice
- Some common ethical questions
- Some common nutritional questions
- Struggles and benefits
- Phases of Veganism
Listen to Murielle
Follow The Storied Recipe in Your Favorite Player
Murielle's Storied Recipe: Vegan Shuba
Related Episodes
- 188 From French Wine Country: The Henriot Family Revives History in Champlitte
- 176 Riding Waves and Whipping Up Kaiserschmarrn with Anna and Marco at Mellowmove Surf Camp
- 175 Food, Feminism, Fury (and Family!): Geraldine DeRuiter's Tale of the Nesselrode Pie
- 174 Onsite Interview: Exploring 500 Years of History at Auerbachs Keller in Leipzig, Germany
More Vegan Recipes
How to Contact GUEST
Website: www.muriellebanackissa.com
YouTube: Murielle Banackissa
Facebook: www.facebook.com/murielle.banackissa
Instagram: @muriellebanackissa
Email: muriellebanackissa@gmail.com
These are some resources suggested by Murielle for those considering Veganism:
Documentaries Recommended by Murielle
Earthlings (the documentary that made me go vegan)
Cowspiracy (on Netflix)
Best Speech you will Ever Hear - Gary Yourofsky: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=es6U00LMmC4-
Game Changers (on Netflix)-
Land of Hope and Glory: https://www.landofhopeandglory.org/
How Not to Die by Dr. Michael Greger (about the health aspect of veganism)-
Eating Animals by Jonathan Safran Foer (about the ethical & environmental aspect of veganism) YouTubers, Podcasters & Activists-
Earthling Ed: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVRrGAcUc7cblUzOhI1KfFg-
Mic the Vegan: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGJq0eQZoFSwgcqgxIE9MHw-
Colleen Patrick Goudreau’s Podcast, Food for Thought, available on Apple Podcast,
Stitcher & Spotify
My Favorite Vegan Bloggers-
Lauren Toyota (Hot For Food): https://www.hotforfoodblog.com/-
Richa Hingle (Vegan Richa): https://www.veganricha.com/-
Laura Wright (The First Mess): https://thefirstmess.com/-
Alexandra Daum (Occasionally Eggs): https://www.occasionallyeggs.com/ ** I am not sure if she is 100% vegan but most of her recipes are-
Natalie (Feasting on Fruit): https://www.feastingonfruit.com/
Would love to hear from you!