I interview four special guests for this bonus episode of The Storied Recipe - to me, they are the 4 most special guests in the world: my sons. I wanted to record and release this episode for 2 reasons: first, as a way of introducing myself to my listeners. Second, I wanted to make it abundantly clear that, while I host a show celebrating romantic, happy food memories, we eat meals just like anyone else’s - a mix of the mundane and the special. In all areas of our life, we embrace the proverb: To everything, there is a season. A time for cake from boxes, a time for homemade donuts.

Nicholas, 5 years old (4 minutes, 10 seconds)
what my kindergartener won't eat in lunch and what he really wants.
His job when he makes blueberry muffins LINK
Rapid fire food either/or - find which one he couldn't decide between
what Daddy's don't know how to do 😉
what he will make for his kids if he's a dad
Joshua, 9 years old
What he would make if he wanted to say "I love you" vs. What I make when I want to say "I love you"
The meal he made that he was most proud of
Our waffle toppings
The hardest thing about making a recipe
We brainstorm a birthday cake, pictured here LINK - plus, the shortcuts we take and don't take on cakes
what he will make for his kids when he's a dad
What my aspiring YouTuber thinks about my podcasting equipment and what his friends think about me being on Instagram
The one thing he makes and who cooks the most and who cooks the least...
My Draconian rules for the kitchen and how we handle cleanup AND my biggest pet peeve
The reason it took me a long time to figure out the favorite meal he was asking me to make
His thoughts on cooking for his kids
His "ambitious" food wish list for his birthday
Two things he tasted (even though I told him not to) that he wished he didn't taste as a little kid
When he first started cooking on his own, without my help or input, and the very first thing he got to do
The way he tried to be like me in the kitchen
The ways we're most different in the kitchen and the different recipes we're drawn to
My happiest memories of Jack's amazing baking being a blessing to ME!
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