Welcome to The Storied Recipe, a podcast about food, culture and love. I'm thrilled to share this special crowdsourced episode, 36 Testimonies to Cultivate the Spirit of Thanksgiving Spirit, with you today!

Welcome & Introduction
Thanksgiving is genuinely my favorite holiday. I love preparing for a home full of hungry guests! But in years past, I've often felt a bit of a disconnect when preparing for Thanksgiving celebrations. When expending so much effort cooking, cleaning, and prepping at this time of year, it's easy forget that the true meaning of Thanksgiving is.. well, to be thankful!
So this year, before jumping into the holiday season, I wanted to set aside November as a season of thanksgiving.
In pursuit of this goal, I tried a new thing. I asked The Storied Recipe community one simple question: What are you thankful for?
I learned it can be hard to express a grateful heart in our cynical culture - but ultimately, the response was beautiful and overwhelming. So many took the time to express gratitude for both the simple things and some of the BIG good things that happened in the past year.
The best part is that with each expression of gratitude shared by my community, the more grateful I become.
I'm so excited to share this episode with you today. I genuinely hope that your experience is the same and you finish listening with peace, joy, and thankfulness overflowing in your hearts - so Thanksgiving can be a season beyond Thanksgiving dinner.
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More Holiday Episodes
Favorite Thanksgiving Recipes
- 3 Ingredient No Bake Mandarin Ginger Pie Dessert
- International Harvest Celebrations Around the World
- 17 International Recipes for a Non-Traditional Thanksgiving
- Nesselrode Pie Recipe (Vintage New York Dessert)
- Moist Brazilian Carrot Cake with Chocolate Marbling
- Creamy Frozen Cranberry Salad Bites with Pineapple
- Fresh Spiced Cranberry Tea (for Thanksgiving)
- Easy, Savory, Crispy Zucchini Pancakes with Bisquick
Transcript of The Gratitude Episode
Introduction from Becky Hadeed, host of The Storied Recipe
Hi there listeners. Happy Thanksgiving and welcome to the gratitude episode where we are celebrating Thanksgiving first and foremost by being thankful. So this episode is a little unusual for the storied recipe, but it is not totally without precedent. This is a crowdsourced episode, and the idea is simply to replicate that tradition, that great time, that many of us observe on Thanksgiving Day, where we gather with friends and family around the table to name our blessings. And to celebrate with each other, the joys come. The things that people have overcome each year and we just take a moment to cultivate gratitude for a lot of the little things. But in this episode you don't have to wait to eat. It is OK if you cheat a little and you grab just something tasty to eat or some hot something hot to drink right now. So you can just sit back and savor. Savor these little these little tidbits from our listeners. Or of course, you might be busy packing and. Cooking and that is OK too, so there's nothing fancy about this episode. All I did is I just took each person contribution exactly as they left it. And I strung them together in a little row with just some music underneath, and so it's not a fancy episode, but I think that's the thing about gratitude. The more we focus on it, the more we do find satisfaction in the simplest of things. So thank you. Thank you everyone who contributed. Thank you. To you who are listening, you have all taught me a lot this Thanksgiving season. Here we go. And yes, I did not let myself off the hook. My 92nd contribution is right in the middle there. Enjoy my friends.
Hi Becky. I cannot believe that I saw your newsletter right now and the timing could not be perfect because I am just strolling around walking my son in the stroller and I entered the park that I usually come to and just two days back. It was full of fall colors and today the leaves have all gone. The trees are bare and I just said to myself that I'm so thankful. I'm so grateful that I I actually got to see all the colors throughout the two weeks because I almost went out every day every other day with my son and we had a beautiful fall and I had missed this long fall season for a while because we were away in the North Canada where the fall can be really short season. And its my favorite season so I'm just so thankful for this beautiful bounty of beautiful colors that I got to see, uh, this year. And in general, I'm very thankful that wherever we have lived, even when we were in Whitehorse, we were blessed with so much beauty of nature. And while the world was tucked away during pandemic we were still able to go outside and I can never never take that for granted.
I am grateful for family and friends. I am grateful to have lived long enough to be a Gigi, a grandmother to three grandchildren. One little girl and two teenage boys. They expand my knowledge and perspectives in life and bring me great joy. I am grateful for friends who are so supportive in good times and bad. And finally, I am grateful for having witnessed and experienced my oldest sister, Nancy's last year of life. I learned so much watching how she handled the end of her life. She had lived for 14 years with stage four cancer. And she. But she lived, she kayaked. She hiked, she knit. She was involved in her church. She took dance. She taught dance. She competed and danced with her husband. And as my physician said, she spent her time living instead of spending her time trying not to die.
My name is Regina Range and the three things that I am thankful for are favor in my second year of my business, the smell of food that I prepare, and encouragement from the new community that I have surrounded my food business.
I'm thankful for living in a place that is not at war. I'm thankful for being able to cook and share my skills. I'm so thankful for the community of people worldwide who love food and cooking with the same passion as I do. Of course, my family and friends are so important, but these other things are important too.
Hi Becky, Despina from a little town in South Carolina. I'm most grateful for the opportunity I had back in 2019 to care for my Aunt Polly, my father’s sister, who was transitioning to te next phase of life and I was able to be there to care for her, to attend to her needs and affairs and return a gift that she had given to me to my father and to my sister so many years ago, when we were first in the United States. That's just an opportunity that we don't often have, so I am most grateful for that. On this particular day. Thanks for the opportunity.
The one thing I'm very thankful for is my daughter being cured of bladder cancer. She went through a really tough time during her teenage years during high school. And I am so thankful that she is able to work. And she just got married in January. Thank you for letting me share.
My name is Andreza and I am grateful for my family, my husband and kids. I'm grateful for the adventures that we've been on as a family. Getting to experience nature and to just see mountains and valleys and rivers too. Just the beauty that is all around us and I'm grateful for Jesus. Without him, I do not know where I would be.
Three things I'm thankful for are my family, my friends, and a great meal. I love Thanksgiving, 'cause it gives us time to sit around the dinner table, enjoy tasty food like a brown sugar, roasted. Smoked Turkey, some Mac and cheese, green beans and delicious pies as well as other sides and and drinks to go round. Ah, I'm hungry thinking about this, but it involves a lot of memories and hearty laughs and just a good time enjoying that meal and enjoying each other.
Hi Becky, this is Alyssa. I'm thankful for cultural differences in the tasty food that comes around the world. From Indian Chai tea to Vietnamese Pho to Mediterranean olives, I'm thankful for this podcast, which makes me feel like I'm wearing my favorite sweater when I'm listening to it. It's like home. And I'm definitely thankful for my Japanese futon bed, which I look forward to sleeping in every night.
I'm grateful for the beauty of fall and the changing of the leaves. I'm grateful to still be able to think and walk and enjoy life. I'm grateful for the comfort of good friends. My pets. And humor, the ability to laugh.
Hi, I'm Meredith. I'm a freshman in college. I'm really thankful for the opportunity I have to get an education and also for the friends I've already made this first month.
Claire Marie
My name is Claire Marie. I am so grateful for my 3 boys who are becoming more and more confident in nature and for urging. Also very grateful for the amazing banana and walnut bread out of the oven. And very grateful for my friends who come over and train with me to command Spurs.
Well, this is Kimberly from Minneapolis and I am so grateful for my family and friends. I know that sounds cliche, but when you feel like the world is falling apart and there's nothing that you can really do to stop it, you look around and you see who are your pillars of strength, that can continue to lift you. Up when all you want to do is fall down. And for me, that's been my family and my friends, including our beloved Miss Becky here so. I just wanted to encourage you all who are listening that there will be times when you will feel like your world is falling apart at your feet. And I'm here to tell you that it's really not. It feels like it, but it's not. Look around. And let yourself be helped to get through whatever storm you're facing. Because you're worth it and your mental health is worth it. And your family is worth it. And tomorrow needs you.
Sinaitic so gratitude is something that gets us going. Keep us going. I'm very thankful for my friendships, my relationships. And that when my family seem good also, when I see my sons old smile, it's a beautiful day for me. At that day my girls, and also that I can dream and learn so many things. Nature is beautiful and gives us lots of time to reflect and have gratitude. About everything and also a little. Boy that came in my. Life last year, which made life more even more beautiful and I'm thankful for Becky, who provides such unique opportunities for us. Come talk about the things in our lives and share experiences, food. So yeah, I'm thankful for all of you guys.
Gudmunda B
Good morning from Iceland. I'm very thankful for some wonderful people in my life, including you, Becky and your or your family. We miss you and we wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving. I'll talk to.
Darlene P
The Lord Jesus Christ, my savior. My grandchildren. My son. I guess just family.
Megan S
Good morning, my name is Megan. Here are three things that I am thankful for #1. I am so thankful to live in a place where we have freedom of religion. #2 I love a good book and #3. I just enjoy the changes that come with each season. Right now, crispy leaves, colorful leaves. In the winter, sparkling snow and cold days and a fire. The spring with fresh blossoms and new life. And the summer - You just can't beat a fresh tomato. Have a good day.
Melissa H
Hi there, my name is Melissa and one thing that I'm incredibly grateful for is the fact that my children are growing up surrounded by family. Nearby, including both sets of grandparents who they see on a weekly basis. Several sets of Aunts and uncles and cousins, including some that live right down the street. And I think that's amazing, because in America, you know, that's kind of unusual nowadays. And for my kids it's just kind of the norm. And it's a real opportunity. I think they don't even realize how blessed they are in that regard, and I'm just incredibly thankful for all those people in my life and in the life of my children.
Becky R
My name is Becky. And I love fall. Fall is my favorite time of year. I have a lot of back problems. And so there have been times I haven't been able to enjoy this season. I haven't been able to get out and do things but this year my health is better and I've been able to get out almost every day and go for walks. And just sit outside and just look at all the beautiful colors of the trees and at the sky and I've been on a trip with our family to the mountains and we haven't done that in a long time. And it's just all been such a blessing. And I'm so so thankful. I feel like Thanksgiving is just really great for me right now.
John H
Last week when I received this request, I immediately thought of the relationship that I had with Jesus Christ and how thankful I am for the hope. That it brings me day in and day out. However, I also wanted to share something more, so I immediately started to try to think up some big event or thing that was thankful for that was different from the everyday things that I'm typically thankful for. As I thought and thought I walked out of the office and into the kitchen to get some coffee, where I saw my wife's laptop on the table. It was scrolling through some images of our vacations that we had taken in the past. At that moment it dawned on me how could I not be thankful for the many special vacations that we have been privileged to take as a family? Well, I tried to put together the words for the message I wanted to leave. It was time to walk my 8 year old down to the bus stop.
As I walked to the bus stop, I was struck again at how I so easily downplayed the significance of being thankful for all of the daily things I have because they are their everyday things like: Getting coffee with my wife from Panera, walking my 8 year old to the bus stop, feeding horses with my 12 year old at his job, teaching my 16 year old how to drive, and watching my 17 year old run cross country. Things many people could only ever dream of being able to do, I get to do on a regular basis. I immediately realized this is just the tip of the iceberg. And not being able to be thankful for these big things with a true lack of gratitude. Waking up each day to be able to enjoy these things are the big things.
I am just grateful for all the little things in my life, that are so beautiful, that make up my life. Like the little drops of water that make streams, lakes and oceans. And all these little things in my life that are so good help me get through the bigger things in life. And I'm grateful for people around me that loved me. Support me. That helped me. Thank you.
Becky H.
This is Becky Hadeed and I am popping in here in the middle with as many blessings as I can fit into 90 seconds. I'm grateful for a new school for my son, Joshua, that is truly abundantly more than all I ever could have hoped or imagined a year ago, and I'm thankful for the teachers there that have taken him under their wing and inspired him with confidence and and hope. I'm grateful for Emma McAdam, who is the therapist behind the hugely popular YouTube channel Therapy in a Nutshell, and she's written a course called How to Process Your Emotions, which helped me so so much in both helping my kids and myself reframe just unhealthy and distorted ways of thinking. I'm grateful for the paths and the trails that I walk or jog every morning. I'm thankful for the silence that I enjoy along those trails and equally or even more I'm thankful for the long conversations that I have during those walks with just dear dear friends who let me be vulnerable and who share their vulnerabilities with me. I'm so grateful for the conversations I get to have every single week with people all around the world. They have challenged me so much in my thinking, they've taught me so many things, and they've helped me look outside of myself and my culture to so many universal truths. That's it, my 90 seconds is up even though I had three more things written down.
Hi, my name is Dianne and I am grateful for so many things: my children, my fur babies, my fountain full of neighbor birds, my garden where I grow things that I love to cook, my ability to cook for my friends. My family and sharing a nutritious, lovingly-made meal with friends and family.
Hi, my name is Lisa and the thing that I have to be thankful for is. My gratitude journal! And it might sound silly to be thankful for the place that you're writing down the things that you're thankful for. But in April of 2020, a stressful time for lots of us, I started writing down three things every day that I was grateful for. And incorporating this practice into my life has honestly shifted my perspective, and it's made me more grateful for all the things. It's opened up. My heart and my eyes to see the things that there are to be grateful for. Some days they're the little things like the beautiful fall color that we're experiencing in Maryland this year or unexpected mild weather where I can be outside in short sleeves or getting missed by a frost and having several more weeks of blooms. Sometimes there are big things like good medical news or one of the biggest for me is seeing the improvement in my marriage in over the 2 1/2 years that I've been keeping this gratitude journal. So I'm very grateful.
My name is Sandy and I'm really thankful for the ability to see the beautiful colors in my world. I'm also really thankful for the ability to hear the voices of people I love. And I'm thankful for the ability to touch and feel the hugs of people that love me and that I love. So I'm thankful for all of these wonderful gifts that God has given me.
I am grateful for the women and girls in it on who are bringing about change. I am grateful for the friendships I've made with women like you sharing our food stories. And lastly, I am grateful for the beauty of fall, my favorite season. Crimson leaves, Apple cardamom pies, and yes, pumpkin spice lattes Don't hate me please.
Hi my name is Natasha and I'm really thankful for my family. I'm thankful for being able to stay at home with my baby and I'm thankful that my husband can stay at home with us. And another thing I'm really thankful for is for the peace in our country. Because there's a lot of war happening everywhere around the world and I'm really thankful that we get to live in a place that is so safe and where we can thrive and explore and enjoy our lives and do it all together.
Hi, my name is Ashley and this time of year I'm thankful for so so many things. But if I had to sum it up to one word it would be peace. I'm most grateful for peace in my life. Uhm, you know it can be small things, like when I go outside at night to take a walk right at like sundown and I feel the breeze kind of gently graze my fingerips and, you know, the fall leaves are moving around like there's just this calm that comes over me and just that peace is so beautiful. Uhm, you know I feel peace when I'm surrounded by my friends and family. I feel a sense of peace and comfort when I'm in the embrace of uhm, you know my partner. I just, I'm so so grateful to be in a phase and stage of my life where everything uhm, feels just at ease and peaceful. It's a really really beautiful thing and I'm still grateful for it.
I'm thankful so much that our family of three is together. My husband got his visa to come to US from Haiti a few months ago and we have a little brown baby. She’s so cuddly and full of toothless grins. She loves to stare at the ceiling fan. She gives us so much joy.
Lisa from A Menu for You
Hi Becky, this is Lisa of a menu for you. I love that you're doing it gratitude episode this year. I'm especially grateful for being able to spend Thanksgiving with both my kids as an empty nester. I haven't spent Thanksgiving with my son since before he left for college, and now he's already graduated college and out there in the working world. So I am so extremely grateful to be able to spend Thanksgiving in the first time. That'll be my husband and I and both of our kids for Thanksgiving and. And I am super grateful for that. Wishing everyone a beautiful Thanksgiving. No matter who's seen around your table. I hope that it is extremely special and amazing. And of course, with loads and loads of great food. Happy Thanksgiving.
Hello, I am grateful because of my family who supports me in everything that I do, No matter what. I'm so happy because I have them.
I'm thankful for the relationship that I have with my two sons who are 21 and 22, that I get to speak with them every day and sharing the activities of their lives in college and with friends and girlfriends and the things that they're experiencing in this this time of their life as college students.
Good morning. I'm thankful this morning for the sunshine streaming through the windows and fire blazing in the wood stove as I drink my coffee and eat whole grain sourdough toast. And thankful for my family, my husband and five children. And I'm very, very thankful for the plan of salvation. And that our good God came and sent Jesus, and he came and died for me, so that I can make it to heaven someday. I'm thankful for the Bible to read. I'm thankful for my long walks that I can take some days out in the country roads. The crisp fresh air these winter days. I'm thankful for my home. And plenty to eat. All my house plants. They bring me much joy.
Hi, my name is Scott from Montana. Our group has a tradition called thankful and blessing, something we're thankful or grateful for and something we hope for you as we go into the future. So, my wife is a mental health therapist and she counsels people from all walks of life. And she's confronted a lot of days with people that didn't want their children or struggle to get along with their family. And in this economy we know that it's harder to buy groceries or to afford a place to live. So this Thanksgiving, I'm thankful for just a loving family, awarm place to sleep, and food on the table. I think my blessing to you is that I hope you get to enjoy the holiday and warm meal with your birth family or the family that you choose. And in this spirit of thankfulness and gratitude that Becky is facilitating, I hope you find an opportunity to extend your light, your gifts, your talents, your blessings to someone that needs it in this dark, dark World. Happy Thanksgiving.
I actually thought a lot about this before I decided to answer, but I think the thing I'm most grateful and thankful for is my community. I feel really lucky and super thankful to have such a great community surrounding us. In the good times and really in the bad times when we needed the support the most. I can't imagine. Having more generous and kind people surrounding me.
This year I'm so thankful that we finally can be reunited again with my family. We can travel again and meet them across the world to just spend time Christmas with them and have a good time. So I'm super thankful for that. I'm thankful that we we are in good health that. We are safe and. Sound and I'm thankful and hopeful for many things that will transpire in the next year. I'm I'm grateful that despite many bad things and upsetting news that happens in the world, that we're still hopeful that goodness. And kindness will still come around. So yeah, I'm thankful for that.
So gratitude is something that gets us going, keeps us going. I'm very thankful for my friendships, my relationships, and and that when my family is doing good. Also, when I see my son's old smile, it's a beautiful day for me. At that day my girls and also. But I can dream and learn so many things. Nature is beautiful and gives us lots of time. To reflect and have gratitude about everything and also a little boy that came in my life last year which made life more even more beautiful and I'm thankful for Becky who provides such unique opportunities for us to talk about the things in our lives. And share experiences food. So yeah, I'm thankful for all of you guys.
Becky H - Outro
Thank you again to everyone who contributed and thank you for listening. If you would like to go on and continue to cultivate this spirit of gratitude, I have some prints available for digital download and they are just Autumn prints, autumn backgrounds with some inspiring or famous Thanksgiving quotes on top. And again, you can download those digitally. You can print them on your own. I always recommend mpix.com Because they're super fast. And their consumer printers are the exact same as their commercial printers, so that you'll get a really high quality print. I have those available. The link is right there in the show notes. It is a great way to support the podcast while decorating your home for Thanksgiving.
Also, if you are now in the Thanksgiving spirit, I have links to two. Awesome episodes right there in the show notes. The first is well, I titled it the Best Thanksgiving podcast ever because it is another crowdsourced episode where listeners to the storied recipe shared their favorite Thanksgiving memories. And a lot of them center around pie and then the second one that I have linked is an episode titled A Turkey Fit for the Queen and this is a wonderful multigenerational rags to riches story of a family in the United Kingdom that took. Risk and bought up all of the original free range turkeys that were left in England, and they established a business that now sells turkeys all around the. World and the well, the Queen has sadly passed, but the royal family enjoys the Kelly bronze Turkey every year. The guest Paul Kelly is super funny. Very, very interesting and you will learn more than you ever realized. You didn't know about turkeys and Turkey farming. It's just a great fun, fun, cheerful and inspiring episode. All right. That is it. Thank you again for listening and. Happy Thanksgiving, my friends.
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